Boisterous Festivals of Spring

Boisterous Festivals of Spring

Holi, the festival of colors, is celebrated with great enthusiasm all over the country, and it is a time when one forgets and forgives. 


Discover the Real Kathmandu in Ason Bazaar

Discover the Real Kathmandu in Ason Bazaar

Ason Bazaar portrays a large slice of what Kathmandu is all about, and the tourist would be well rewarded by a leisurely stroll down its many streets and alleyways. 


The Pokhara Dhampus Trek

The Pokhara Dhampus Trek

Plan your Pokhara trip to include a few days of trekking to picturesque little villages, hiking through fabulous scenery on great hilly trails. 

The Many Abodes of Lord Shiva

The Many Abodes of Lord Shiva

Lord Shiva, one of the three main deities of Hinduism, has numerous devotees all over Nepal and the Indian subcontinent. He also has many temples all over the country.  


Souvenirs from Nepal

Souvenirs from Nepal

 After the jetlag is over, it’s time to meet near and dear ones, and you can’t wait to see their delight when you gift them the fabulous souvenirs that you have brought all the way from Nepal. 


Pedaling around Kathmandu Valley 2017

Pedaling around Kathmandu Valley 2017

 In today’s world, going green is the in thing to do, and using the humble cycle to tour around the valley makes you a ‘green’ person.


Spiritual Journey to Nepal

Spiritual Journey to Nepal

 In the hectic world we live in today, people all around the world are seeking solace in spirituality, and Nepal is the ideal destination for pursuit of the same.


The Guerilla Trek

The Guerilla Trek

One of the least developed regions in Nepal, you will discover unexpected sights and lifestyles here; a veritable adventure of exploration awaits you.


Nepal in the Limelight

Nepal in the Limelight

Nepal was on the world map in 2015, but for all the wrong reasons. Today, again, it is very much in the limelight, and this time it’s for very good reasons. 


The Rich Culture of Panauti

The Rich Culture of Panauti

Panauti has an ancient history, and a culture that is rich and thriving. It’s close to Kathmandu, and a visit is sure to enrich you. 


Exploring the Manaslu Conservation Area

Exploring the Manaslu Conservation Area

Manaslu (Mountain of the Spirit), the eighth highest mountain in the world, rules over the fascinating region known as Manaslu Conservation Area. It’s a place for discovery.